Art and Cooking #1 Early Drop off

This one-of-a-kind weekly program guides participants through the steps of preparing their own meal, beginning at LifeTown’s own ShopRite, all the way through making dinner and dessert. Once dinner is in the oven, participants work on an art project and then – most important – get to enjoy the fruits of their labor for dinner!


Culinary and Art #3

A weekly program that will allow young adults to participate in a variety of creative art activities, art skills, and lunch preparation while enjoying time with friends. $60 weekly

Lunch will be made and enjoyed by participants.


Social Club #3

Get practical experience working in the LifeTown Shoppes. When the Shoppes aren’t in operation, participants will work on skill-oriented tasks in a group setting. A one-on-one coach is required to attend this program. For ages 21 and up.


After School Fun #2

Children will enjoy playing in the gym, creative art and a cooking activity while enjoying the companionship of a teenage volunteer. Pizza will be served. For ages 3-12

Culinary and Art #2

A weekly program that will allow young adults to participate in a variety of creative art activities, art skills, and lunch preparation while enjoying time with friends.

Lunch will be made and enjoyed by participants.


Adult Mornings: Tuesday

A weekly program that will allow adults to participate in a variety of woodworking, creative art activities, art skills, and culinary preparation while enjoying social time with peers in the community.

Lunch will be made and enjoyed by participants.

$90 weekly



YA Tuesday Program

A weekly program that will allow young adults to participate in a variety of creative art activities, art skills, and lunch preparation while enjoying time with friends.

Lunch will be made and enjoyed by participants.

After School: Tuesday

Tuesday after-school children and teens will enjoy two hours of swimming, participating in culinary activities, and exploring their creativity with art and games. They will also benefit from the support and companionship of a teenage volunteer throughout the evening. Dinner and early drop-off is available upon request.

Culinary Adventures #2

This one-of-a-kind weekly program is designed to help participants gain the skills they need to prepare their own dinner, including planning, shopping at LifeTown’s own ShopRite, cooking, and setting and clearing the table.


Art and Cooking #2

This one-of-a-kind weekly program guides participants through the steps of preparing their own meal, beginning at LifeTown’s own ShopRite, all the way through making dinner and dessert. Once dinner is in the oven, participants work on an art project and then – most important – get to enjoy the fruits of their labor for dinner!